Self Care Givers

The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass - 21 Courses in 1

The Most Comprehensive Masterclass to Improve Your Mind, Body and Health - Start Growing Today!
Sandor Kiss
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Self Care Givers | Self Care Resource Center

If You Only Buy ONE Course This Year … It GOT To Be This One!

With over 22 hours of video content, downloadable resources and bonuses – this is one of the most comprehensive fitness & health masterclass available!

You’ll also get access to:

  • Lifetime Access to course updates

  • Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

  • Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

To make sure you find the information you are looking for the easiest, we have divided our Masterclass to 21 main sections:

1. Get Your Energy, Youth & Vitality Back!

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover Exactly What “Reverse Aging” IS & HOW It Works!

  • Learn The SCIENCE & SECRETS Behind Reverse Aging

  • Discover the MANY Powerful BENEFITS Of Reverse Aging

  • Learn How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Add MANY Healthy Years To Your Life!

  • Discover Powerful Anti-Aging Supplements That Can Add YEARS To Your Life!

  • Discover SECRET Anti-Aging Routines That Turn Back The Clock Every Day

  • Learn The Hidden SECRETS Of Younger Looking Skin

2. Biohacking Secrets

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover How Sleep Has A Huge Impact On Your Mind, Body, Health & Longevity

  • Learn How Activity Impacts WAY More Than Your Muscles & Best Practices

  • Discover The Importance Of PROTECTING Yourself From Blue Light & The Amazing BENEFITS Of Red Light

  • Learn The Amazing Benefits Of Mindfulness & Meditation – Astonishing!

  • Discover What A Secret Therapy Known As “CryoTherapy” Can Do For You!

  • Discover The Impact Of & Benefits Of What You Put In Your Mouth & Lungs

  • Learn The POWERFUL Benefits Of Probiotics – You Will Be AMAZED!

3. ZEN Lifestyle

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover What Zen Is & How It Can Transform Virtually Every Area Of Your Life

  • How Zen Can Boost Your Appreciation Of Life

  • How Zen Can Help You Simplify Your Life & Free You

  • How To Be Mindful In The Present Moment

  • Deeper Relaxation And Better Sleep

  • Gain Greater Health And Vitality

  • Learn Zen Concepts & Secret Knowledge

  • Gain Greater Awareness, Insights & Focus

4. Healthy Heart

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover What A Heart Attack ACTUALLY Is & What Is Going On

  • Learn How To Spot a Heart Attack

  • Learn What The Complications Of A Heart Attack Are & About Follow-up Care

  • Learn What To Do When A Heart Attack Occurs

  • Discover The Primary Risk Factors For Heart Disease

  • Discover How Acceptance Can Be A Powerful Key To Freedom From Anxiety

  • Learn How To Strengthen Your Heart To Prevent Future Episodes

  • Learn About Specific Heart Remedies That Can Make A BIG Difference

5. The Secrets To Burning Fat

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover which is most important: diet or exercise?

  • Learn the difference between “good” and “bad” fats

  • Discover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy living

  • Learn how substitution is a great way to lose weight … even without eating less!

  • Discover how your mindset impacts your weight … and how it can help you become healthier & happier

  • Find out how Celebrities stay beautiful, thin & healthy

  • Learn the hidden secrets of how to curb hunger

  • Learn some delicious fat burning & detoxing recipes you will love to get you started

  • Discover the exercises that burn fat & help you beat problem areas

  • Learn the many benefits and dangers of supplements

  • You will learn simple ways to detox your body as you lose fat

  • Learn about the “Yo-Yo Effect” and how to beat it

6. Take Your LIFE & CAREER To The Next Level

In this section, you are going to:

  • How To BIG Goals That Will Transform Your LIFE!

  • How To Make REAL Decisions … Stick To Them …And GET Results!

  • Discover The Life Skills That Have The BIGGEST Impact On Your SUCCESS & How You FEEL

  • Learn That There is NO Such Thing As Failure … Everything Can Be Used To Move You Forward … When You Know These Hidden SECRETS!

  • Discover How To Get More & More Intelligent & Creative Over Time .. With VERY Little Effort

  • Discover That Nothing Is Impossible … If You Use The Skills We Share With You In This Course

  • Learn The Secrets Of How To Program Your Mind To Think Better Than Ever Before!

7. Eating Healthy

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy eating

  • Discover how the food pyramid works … and how it can benefit your health when used the right way

  • Understand cholesterol … it is more complicated than you think

  • Discover how to eat to boost energy & vitality

  • Learn how to ramp up your immune system

  • Find out how healthy eating can reduce stress

  • Uncover how a healthy diet can improve mental health conditions

  • Discover how healthy eating can reduce or illuminate many ailments

  • Gain tools & techniques to maintain your new healthy habits

8. Binge-Free Diet

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover The Terrifying Fact Food Companies DON’T Want You To Know!

  • Learn The Science Behind Overeating – What Causes It?

  • Discover WHY Your Eating Gets Out Of Control & How You Can Beat This!

  • Learn Signs Of Compulsive Overeating & What To Do

  • Uncover The 10 Types Of Overeating

  • Find Out About The Dangers Of Overeating & Solutions

  • Get Information On How To Overcome An Eating Disorder

  • Learn Specific Strategies To Prevent Overeating & Lose Weight!

9. Vegan Diet

In this section, you are going to:

  • Improve your fitness and overall well being

  • Have better digestion and skin complexion

  • Save more money on takeouts and junk foods

  • Feel more energized by shedding off excess weight

  • Learn ways to begin your vegan journey for better health and performance

  • Get the list of famous athletes who opt for the vegan lifestyle despite initial criticism

  • Get simple workout plans for vegans to achieve the lean physique they want

  • Debunking the myths and misconceptions you might have about vegans

10. Ketogenic Diet

In this section, you are going to:

  • Learn How To Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine All Day Without Going Into Starvation Mode

  • How To Eliminate Sugar Spikes For Diabetic People Once And For All

  • How To Get Higher Mental Focus

  • How To Increase Energy Level Without Relying On ‘Sugar Rush’

  • How To Get A Clearer, Healthier And More Glowing Skin In Matter of Weeks

  • How To Prevent Your Body To Go Into The State Of ‘Hunger’

11. Juicing

In this section, you are going to:

  • Learn The Science Of Juicing

  • How To Have More Vegetables Than Humanly Possible And Why It’s Good For You

  • How To Flush Out The Gunk In Your System That’s Causing All Kinds Of Illnesses And Problems

  • Juicing for Energy and Beauty

  • WHY Store Bought Juices Will Cause Breakouts And Weight Gain

  • The Difference Between Juicing And Blending

  • How To Smooth Out Wrinkles And Turn Back Time

  • How To Turn Pulp Into Healthy Snacks

  • Detoxing Your Organs For Longer Life

12. Intermittent Fasting

In this section, you are going to:

  • What Intermittent Fasting Is & How It Can Help You Beat Your Weight Problem … Even When Other Systems Failed

  • Learn About The MANY Amazing Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

  • Discover The RIGHT Way To Do Intermittent Fasting For The BEST Results

  • Learn How Intermittent Fasting Can BOOST Your Energy!

  • Be Shown The Specific Protocols For Intermittent Fasting

  • Get Special Tips On How To Maximize Your Results

  • Learn The Secret Of How Intermittent Fasting Can BEAT Your Weight Loss Plateaus!

  • Bonus Q & A Section On Intermittent Fasting

  • Look & Feel Amazing!

13. Understanding Yoga

In this section, you are going to:

  • What Is Yoga & How Can It Help You

  • Learn About Science Of Yoga & Health Benefits

  • Discover How Yoga Affects Emotions & The Mind-Body Connection

  • Learn HOW Yoga Creates Strength, Flexibility, Endurance & Weight Loss

  • Learn More About Yoga Poses & How Yoga Boosts Immunity

  • Discover The RIGHT Way To Get Started With Yoga

  • Learn The Secrets Of Yoga & Meditation … How You Can Feel Better Than Ever Before!

14. Stretching For Beginners

In this section, you are going to:

  • Learn The Right Way To Stretch

  • Unique Techniques To Help You Stretch

  • MULTIPLE Systems Of Stretching

  • How To Safely Go At Your Own Pace & Level

  • How To Get The BEST Results

  • BONUS – Learn About Special Stretching Tools

15. Functional Fitness Training

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover What Is “Functional Fitness”

  • Learn How To Stay Fit … Without Killing Yourself

  • Discover Simple Daily Ways To Stay Fit That Take Minimal Effort To Do

  • Learn How To Stay Fit Without Expensive Gym Memberships Or Equipment

  • Discover How Much BETTER You can Feel & Look … Without Straining Yourself

  • Find Out How Simple Habits Make a HUGE Difference Over Time!

  • Learn How To Gently Build Strength, Stamina and Mobility

  • Learn About The Common Mistakes People Make With Functional Fitness

  • Discover How Functional Fitness Can Boost Increase Your Flexibility, Balance & Range Of Motion

  • Learn How Functional Fitness Can Improve Your Immune System & Lifespan

  • You Will Learn Simple Ways To Stay Fit & Keep The Weight Off

  • Learn How To Feel Better Than You Have In Years And Slow The Aging Process

16. Kettlebell Fitness Training

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover amazing & unique benefits of kettlebell workouts

  • Learn how to get the right kettlebell for you & your goals

  • Discover how kettlebells can help you burn fat – Fast!

  • Understand the common kettlebell mistakes and how to avoid them & prevent injuries

  • Find out how kettlebells tone, strengthen and build muscles in unique ways

  • Discover how kettlebells can improve your form & results when lifting

  • Find out how kettlebell fitness training can dramatically build your core strength

  • Be shown 6 ways to use your kettlebells that can transform your body

  • Learn specific kettlebell tips & tricks to dramatically boost your results

  • Be shown a step-by-step beginners workout program you can start with today!

  • You will learn why proper form is crucial to getting maximum results

  • Gain “done-for-you” beginner, intermediate & advanced workout programs

17. Muscle & Strength Building

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover How To Create a Powerful Muscle Building Mindset

  • Learn How To Select The Muscle Building Supplements that Really Work

  • Learn How Create Your Muscle Building Diet For Maximum Gains

  • Discover How To Build a Powerful Chest & Biceps

  • Find Out How To Get Amazing Shoulders & Rock-Hard Abs

  • Learn To STOP Your Own Negative Thoughts & Self-Sabotage

  • Find Out How Celebrities Build Muscle And Get Sexy & Strong!

  • Discover Muscle Building Secrets For Vegans & Vegetarians

18. Increase Your Muscle Mass

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover How To Develop The Mindset Of A Champion

  • How To Workout For Increasing Muscle Mass

  • Discover The “Power Building Lifestyle”

  • Find The Best Fitness Apps

  • Discover The Best Supplements For Boosting Muscle Fast

  • Find Out Why Cardio Is Great For Muscle Building & Strength

  • Learn How To Track Your Progress Properly

  • Learn The Proper Diet For Increasing Muscle Mass

19. Mindfulness Meditation

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce PAIN By 50 To 90%

  • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Mood & Alleviate Anxiety & Depression

  • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Your Focus Dramatically

  • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Improve Sexual Performance

  • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce Stress & Improve Your Quality Of Life & Your Career

  • Find Out How Mindfulness Meditation Boost Immunity & Over-All Health

  • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Make You Stronger & More Resilient

  • Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Boosts Creativity & Productivity

  • Learn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Sleep Better & Reduce Muscle Tension Dramatically

  • Find Out How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Deal With Past Pain & Nagging Issues

20. Eczema Solution

In this section, you are going to:

  • Discover The Secrets Of Beating Eczema Itch

  • Learn About The Powerful Connection Between Your Emotions & Eczema

  • Discover How Simple Meditation Can Dramatically Improve Your Condition

  • Learn Great Home Remedies To Beat Eczema & Itch

  • Discover The How The RIGHT Creams, Supplements & Light Therapy Can Help You Beat Eczema & Itch

  • Learn How To Properly Care For Your Skin In Many Ways

  • Find Out How To Cope With Eczema & What Really Helps

  • Learn How To Allergy-Proof Your Home

  • Tips For How To Deal With Your Child Having Eczema

  • Discover The Link Between Food Allergies & Eczema

  • Uncover The Powerful Link Between Eczema & Stress And How To Beat It

  • Learn About How Diet Can Make a HUGE Difference

21. Insomnia Solution

In this section, you are going to:

  • Learn About The Different TYPES Of Insomnia

  • Learn The Negative Effects Of Insomnia

  • Discover What Recent Science & Studies How Discovered About Insomnia

  • Learn How The Mind Of An Insomniac Works & How This Can Help You

  • Debunk The Many Myths About Insomnia & What Causes Sleep Disturbance

  • Discover Both Natural & Artificial Remedies For Insomnia

  • Discover How Medication Can Both Help & Hurt

  • Learn How Light & Environment Has A Huge Impact On Sleep, Several Ways

  • Learn How To Better Prepare For Sleep & How To Turn Off Your Mind

  • Learn How to PREVENT Insomnia

  • Discover The Secrets Of DEEP Sleep

  • Find Out How To Program Your Mind For Sleep

+1: Lifetime Access to Future Updates!

Here’s What Our Students Are Saying:

I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! – Danielle Subanny

“Prof. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. You’ll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because It’s Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul” – Chris Ghring – CEO

PS – Study This Course Carefully … And You Will Have An Unfair Advantage For Life In Virtually Every Area Of Your Life … Amazing!


How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!