Self Care Givers

Self Mastery | Earth Survival Guide

This Self Mastery Earth Survival Guide course focuses on our self regulatory process and how to strategically utilize our energy with greater precision.
Opal Hopkins
179 Students enrolled
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Self Mastery | Self Care Givers

Self Mastery | Earth Survival Guide

Presented by: Opal Hopkins | Energy Healer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

With a full spectrum of emotions to be experienced, it can be challenging to know where to begin in understanding the complexities of navigating the human experience. 
At various perspectives, different information becomes available and it falls on our ability to integrate the information we intake down into our bodies. 
Embodying the knowledge we obtain ultimately shifts your perspective of reality.
Different practices support and offer gateways to finding the path of self-discovery. 
All of which depend on one’s self-driven desire to expand past their current realm of understanding
A beautiful unfolding of our destiny, though miraculous, can be challenging for the human at times. It is part of experiencing duality within the internal experience.
As one expands in the awareness of self, the ability to interpret information expands. 
This expansion can appear in various ways per individual but ultimately leading towards the embodiment of higher perspectives.
Self Mastery goes beyond seeing the internal process but rather a greater ‘big picture’ understanding of the divine unfolding within life. 
These courses are an entry level guide to what it means to navigate the flow of energy within our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. 
This selection of courses specifically focuses on the self-regulatory process while creating a basis of understanding for how to strategically utilize our energy with greater precision in the co-creative process.
What happens after I enroll in this course?
Participants receive a confirmation email receipt; followed by a welcome email from Self Care Givers with important details about logging into your account dashboard and accessing your course and may begin right away.
What if I am brand new to Self Mastery?
These courses are an entry level guide to what it means to navigate the flow of energy within our physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

This selection of courses specifically focuses on the self-regulatory process while creating a basis of understanding for how to strategically utilize our energy with greater precision in the co-creative process.

"Learning Is the integration of Knowledge. Expansion is going beyond what you currently know."

— Opal Hopkins

Opal Hopkins is the the owner and Energy Practitioner of The Sacred Empress. 

She started The Sacred Empress with the intention of building community and creating space for creativity to blossom.

From the beginning Opal knew she was going to serve as place for femininity to thrive; whether it just be for me or a community of people. 

As Opal went through the process of discovering all she could offer, she found many routes of growth for herself personally and professionally and began to develop more abilities as an energy practitioner. 

With Opal's knowledge of energy work based in Reiki, her other abilities began to get activated and her self confidence grew.

Some of her expanding abilities include Ancestral Healing, Channeling, reading the Akashic Record, Sound Healing and Soul Doula work. 

Learning and developing her abilities has led Opal down a road that required her to get to know herself more and began to align with her passion with her purpose of coaching and leading others to shift into alignment. 

Opal's primary goal is to be of service in the ways that are playful while deeply acknowledging and celebrating the experience of learning in the full opportunities life offers.