Being laid off can come with some trauma, shock and confusion, emotionally, mentally, socially and financially. Especially in these times of uncertainty, how do you cope, what could happen next, how solid is your career and how secure is your current employment, also, this course helps you decide on how your career may evolve, plan your career to withstand uncertainties and is ideal for everyone irrespective of your years of experience.
It is also ideal for anyone giving care to a person who may have just lost their job and needs that boost to get back up and use this setback as an opportunity to do great things in their career
Knowing the reasons for downsizing can help you in re-evaluating the event and becoming a better employee, it can also help you secure your place, if that is what you want, in a time of downsizing.
At the end of this chapter, you will learn if your layoff was ethically done, with shared experience to help you develop a newer passion for what lies ahead.
In thinking about what next, recognize that some of you may spend a week at home, a month, others may spend 6 months to a year or more. And it all depends on what actions you take or don’t take.
Don't rush and don't try to force anything to happen, just prepare, think, and if you believe in God, this is a time to pray.
· Prepare for positive things
· Plan towards positive things
· Count your blessings, your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours.
It may be tempting to think that soon your company will call you back but what if that doesn't happen? Do not add another disappointment to where you already are. Now, although that might be a good thought, let us focus on other things you can do with the time you now have.
Take a real sheet of paper and a pen. I'm saying a real sheet of paper cos I know how we'd want to use technology to take down these kinds of notes but for this exercise, do have a real note.
Your project continues, in this course, you will be able to list out, from your life's experience and career experience so far, some of the vital elements necessary to move you to the next place, or to decide to wait a while or to get you back in your current career path.